Magha Puja Day 2016, February 22nd, Offering Lights to Brighten Your Life
Magha Puja Day is one of the most important Buddhist holy days in Thailand. Each of the 30,000 Buddhist temples across the nation holds its own ceremony to mark the occasion. The ceremony at Wat Phra Dhammakaya is one of the largest held in Thailand.
Answer by Law of Kamma :- Women vs. Painful Periods
Questions from the audience:- Why does each woman have the different symptoms of painful periods? What has caused them to have the different symptoms?
The Mind as the Origin of Peace and War
The human experience is composed of two important parts, the body and the mind. These two elements communicate back and forth with each other from the
What Should Parents Do When Their Children Do Not Get Along?
Here is a true story for parents who have not yet begun creating harmony in their families
The Rule of Grabbing
She questioned that even though she did not regretted in donation each time, why she lost a lot of money. What has caused her to be like that?
What kind of knowledge does Buddhism provide for their benefit?
My students often ask the question that when other school subjects they study provide them with various types of knowledge regarding managing the Four Basic Requisites in their everyday lives, then what kind of knowledge does Buddhism provide for their benefit?
The Great Chancellor Episode 2
This true story of episode 2 is about how the citizens lived in one medium–sized state, not too small and not too large. However, this state that we are talking about was both supreme in economic growth and high moral standards beyond others. Please read more to find out why…
Looking after one’s Extended Family
All of the trees that stand together in the forest will help each other mutually provide shelter against the gales, storms
The Practice of Austerities#2
Restraint of the senses is to be calm and take control over your mind and soul using your consciousness. How do you compose yourself? Let us focus on the following
Since there are a lot of collisions that break our society. What can we do to give unity back to our nation?